Rio Cristalino Amazon Basin Extension

Cristalino is a very inviting and birding-friendly lodge; it is popular amongst birdwatchers for it has two wonderful canopy towers and a very accommodating system of trails.
More Details About this Trip:

The great amount of endemism with unique birds species is the main attraction in Rio Cristalino; Harpy Eagle, Cryptic Forest-Falcon, Crimson-bellied Parakeet, Santarem Parakeet, Kawall's Parrot, Tapajós Hermit, Pavonine Quetzal, Paradise Jacamar, Brown-banded Puffbird, Black-girdled Barbet, Peruvian Recurvebill, Red-billed Woodcreeper, Glossy Antshrike, Black-faced Antbird, Bare-eyed Antbird, Purple-throated Cotinga, Pompadour Cotinga, Snow-capped Manakin, Flame-crowned Manakin, Tooth-billed Wren, and Yellow-shouldered Grosbeak are some of the highlights species.

Rio Cristalino forest is home to nearly 100 mammals species from which, Brown-throated Three-toed Sloth, Red-handed Howler Monkey, White-whiskered Spider Monkey, Silvery Marmoset, Brown Capuchin Monkey, White-nosed Bearded Saki Monkey, Tayra, Giant Otter, Brazilian Squirrel, Azara's Agouti, and South American Tapir are reliably seen.
Pricing: $5,790 US Dollars, or £4,560 GBP for 8 Days and 7 Nights.
Group Size: Most tours are viable at 7 or 8 participants.
Upcoming Dates:
July 17 to 24, 2025
August 27 to September 3, 2025
Harpy Eagle, Cryptic Forest-Falcon, Crimson-bellied Parakeet, Santarem Parakeet, Kawall's Parrot, Tapajós Hermit, Pavonine Quetzal, Paradise Jacamar, Brown-banded Puffbird, Black-girdled Barbet, Peruvian Recurvebill, Red-billed Woodcreeper, Glossy Antshrike, Black-faced Antbird, Bare-eyed Antbird, Purple-throated Cotinga, Pompadour Cotinga, Snow-capped Manakin, Flame-crowned Manakin, Tooth-billed Wren, and Yellow-shouldered Grosbeak and 500 species more.
Brown-throated Three-toed Sloth, Red-handed Howler Monkey, White-whiskered Spider Monkey, Silvery Marmoset, Brown Capuchin Monkey, White-nosed Bearded Saki Monkey, Tayra, Giant Otter, Brazilian Squirrel, Azara's Agouti, and South American Tapir.
Habitats and
Special Sites
Pristine Amazonian Lowland Rain Forest, Canopy Towers, Riparian Forest, Campirana Forest, Semi-deciduous Forest, Rio Cristalino River.
Other Attractions
Beautiful lodge, clear unpolluted water, gourmet cuisine, extremely high biodiversity.