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Argentina: Birding in Patagonia & Tierra del Fuego

Patagonia is a vast and sparsely populated region with reliably easy birding. Visitors will enjoy dazzling views of the Perito Moreno glacier, the Valdés Peninsula, the Argentine Lake District, Ushuaia, and Tierra del Fuego while Birding the “End of the World”. This tour is a  lifetime experience as it provides the opportunity to such highly sought-after species as Hooded Grebe, Patagonian Tinamou, Ruddy-headed Goose, Austral Canastero and Magellanic Plover; Austral Pygmy-Owl, Thorn-tailed Rayadito, White-throated Treerunner, Magellanic Woodpecker, Yellow-bridled Finch, and White-bellied Seedsnipe; also Spectacled Duck, Ashy-headed Goose, Fuegian Steamer-Duck, Dolphin Gull and Chilean Skua.

Besides seeing close to 200 bird species and a large array of localized and unique bird species, participants will enjoy chances to view mammals like Andean Cat, Patagonian Mara, Huemul Deer, Humboldt’s Hog-nosed Skunk, Puma, Guanaco, Patagonian Grey Fox, Fueguian Culpeo, Patagonian Armadillo, and even the hard to come by Pudu Deer.

The tour will follow the steps of such famous explorers and intrepid researchers as Ferdinand Magellan, Francis Drake and Charles Darwin

More Details About this Trip:

Pricing: $6,790 US Dollars, or £5,350 GBP* for 13 Days and 12 Nights. Extensions are available.


Group Size: Most tours are viable at 7 or 8 participants.


Upcoming Dates: 

January 15 to 27, 2025

February 5 to 17, 2025

*See Schedule for more dates




Andean Cat, Patagonian Mara, Huemul Deer, Humboldt’s Hog-nosed Skunk, Puma, Guanaco, Patagonian Grey Fox, Fueguian Culpeo, Patagonian Armadillo, Pudu Deer, and Wolffsohn's Viscacha.


Hooded Grebe, Lesser (Darwin’s) Rhea, Patagonian Tinamou, Elegant Crested-Tinamou, South American Painted-Snipe, Austral Rail, Ruddy-headed Goose, Austral Canastero and Magellanic Plover; Austral Pygmy-Owl, Thorn-tailed Rayadito, Band-tailed Earthcreeper, Patagonian Canastero, Lesser Shrike-Tyrant, Rusty-backed Monjita, and Carbonated Sierra-Finch,  White-throated Treerunner, Magellanic Woodpecker, Yellow-bridled Finch and White-bellied Seedsnipe; also White-throated Caracara, Magellanic Diving-Petrel, Kelp Goose, Spectacled Duck, Ashy-headed Goose, Fuegian Steamer-Duck, Dolphin Gull and Chilean Skua.

Top Reasons to Book Tour

Habitats and

Special Sites

Pampas of Patagonia, Tierra del Fuego, Los Glaciares National Park, Beagle Channel, Perito Moreno Glacier,  Marshes, Patagonian Scrub-Desert, Snow-capped Mountains, Beech (Nothofagus) Forests, Arid “Monte” Scrub, Patagonian Steppe.

Other Attractions

Easy trip with excellent accommodations, birding on roads or easy trails; no difficult hiking; pace relaxed.

Contact in the USA: Charles:

Forms and payments should be mailed to:

Charles Thornton-Kolbe (in Denver, Colorado)

Toll-Free(from USA or Canada): 


Telephone: 720-320-1974


2443 South University

Suit 199

Denver, CO 80210


Partnership For International Birding


PO Box 219

Olyphant, PA 18447

Contact in the UK: Jennifer De Souza:

Jennifer De Souza (in Suffolk, England) 

Telephone: +44 7500 185 058

                     +44 7881 685 779


The Roost, Leiston Road



Suffolk IP17 3NS


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