Bolivia Birding: Lowlands to Highlands

This trip has the potential to provide opportunities to see over 500 species. Our last group found 429 species during the first 13 days of birding, and then 72 more on the extension.
As the name of the trip implies, we cover a range of habitats from the lowlands of Bolivia from Santa Cruz up into the highlands of La Paz. The extension trip reaches an even higher elevation. Each change in elevation and habitat seems to bring new bird watching opportunities.
More Details About this Trip:

Over a dozen Bolivian endemics will likely be seen. All will be thrilled with marvelous views of the endangered Red-fronted Macaw, Black-hooded Sunbeam, Cochabamba Mountain-Finch, and the Rufous-faced Antpitta.

Besides a two-week itinerary with the potential to see over 500 bird species, the trip will have a one-week extension to Machu Picchu to enjoy this high mountain area and include the opportunity to extend the trip list to 620 and perhaps 670 species!
Pricing: $4,190 US Dollars or £3,330 GBP for 14 Days and 13 Nights
Extensions available.
Group Size: Most tours are viable at 7 or 8 participants.
Upcoming Dates:
May 9 to 22, 2025
June 2 to 15, 2025
Hooded Mountain-Toucan, Light-crowned Spinetail, Diademed Tapaculo, Golden-collared Tanager, and Orange-browed Hemispingus. Other regional endemics (shared with northwest Argentina) include Blue-capped Puffleg, Rufous-bellied Saltator, Citron-headed Yellow-Finch, Red-fronted Macaw, Black-hooded Sunbeam, Cochabamba Mountain-Finch, and the Rufous-faced Antpitta.
Extension participants will have additional chances at some of the other endemics and likely another seventy species, including Short-winged Grebe, Scimitar-winged Piha (one of the rarest birds in South America with some real fortune), Chestnut-crowned Cotinga, Rufous-bellied Seedsnipe, and Berlepsch’s Canastero.