Brazil Rio Azul Amazon Basin 8 Day Extension

Rio Azul Jungle Lodge is a small charming lodge located at the Rio Azul Sport Fishing Reserve which lies along the Rio Azul River. This lodge is adjacent to one of the largest and best-protected continuous tracts of forest in the Southeastern Amazon. Wonderful river boat excursions await the visitors along with a nice system of trails.
More Details About this Trip:

Rio Azul presents a high diversity level for it is located between two major habitats of the region. Here are the vast forests of the Cachimbo region, and pockets of stunted Campirana habitats growing on nutrient-poor, white-sand soils. These present an interesting array of bird species, highlights can be seen below.
Pricing: $3,990 US Dollars, or £3,140 GBP* for 8 Days and 7 Nights
Group Size: Most tours are viable at 7 or 8 participants.
Upcoming Dates:
August 27 to September 3, 2025

Rio Azul bird list surpasses 500 species which, along with nearly 100 mammal species, turn the site into a major destination for birdwatchers and nature lovers.
Brown-throated Three-toed Sloth, Red-handed Howler Monkey, White-whiskered Spider Monkey, Silvery Marmoset, Brown Capuchin Monkey, White-nosed Bearded Saki Monkey, Tayra, Giant Otter, Brazilian Squirrel, Azara's Agouti, and South American Tapir.
Harpy Eagle, Cryptic Forest-Falcon, Hyacinth Macaw, Bald Parrot, Kawall's Parrot, Santarem Parakeet, Crimson Topaz, Tapajós Hermit, Green-tailed Goldenthroat, Pavonine Quetzal, Paradise Jacamar, Brown-banded Puffbird, Rusty-breasted Nunlet, Black-girdled Barbet, Red-billed Woodcreeper, Glossy Antshrike, Yellow-browed Antbird, Xingu Scale-backed Antbird, Black-faced Antbird, Bare-eyed Antbird, Pale-bellied Mourner, Pompadour Cotinga, Black Manakin, Snow-capped Manakin, Flame-crowned Manakin, Tooth-billed Wren, and Guianan Gnatcatcher and nearly 500 species more.
Habitats and
Special Sites
Pristine Amazonian Lowland Rain Forest, Riparian Forest, Campirana Forest, Semi-deciduous Forest, Rio Azul River
Other Attractions
Small exclusive lodge, clear unpolluted water, gourmet cuisine, extremely high biodiversity.