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Brazil Amazon Basin Itinerary

Trip Description

This trip will explore the fantastic Serra dos Carajás National Park, and give trip participants an in-depth look into the birds and wildlife of the Amazon Basin.  Since you will be staying near the park for most of the trip, you will be able to relax and bird a large variety of habitats without worrying about transferringbetween lodging.  Each morning we will start early and try a variety of trails and roads to find any species most desired by the group. The birding and choices here are terrific and choosing the best route for each day will leave most participants wanting to stay longer.

Brief Itinerary

Day 1: Arrival into Maraba and Bird to Carajas

Day 2-6: Birding the Brazilian Amazon Basin:  
                Serra dos Carajás National Park

Day 7: Departure from Carajas and the Amazon 



More details about this Trip:

Detailed Itinerary

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