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Birding Brazil's Pantanal with Denver Audubon: Birds and Wildlife (including Jaguar)

  • This is one of our most popular trips with first time Brazil bird watchers and nature lovers. Every birder and wildlife lover wants to see the Pantanal and South America's king of the jungle, the magnificent Jaguar. The Pantanal has some 40 specialty bird species and several Brazilian endemics, including Hyacinth Macaw, Greater Rhea, Bare-faced Curassow, Mato Grosso Antbird, Chestnut-bellied Guan and much more. 

  • Besides seeing 200 plus bird species, everyone enjoys seeing Capybara, Giant Anteater, Silvery Marmoset, Black Howler Monkey and other Pantanal wildlife. 

  • Besides the awesome Pantanal experience most birders prefer an additional birding in the Amazon Basin and visit Rio Cristalino Jungle Forest, making for a trip of 420 to 480 species in a couple of weeks.

More Details About this Trip:

Pricing:  $2,990 US Dollars for 9 Days and 8 Nights  

Extensions available.


Group Size:  Most tours viable at 4 to 8 participants (priced at 6 participants).


Upcoming Dates: 

September 16 to 24, 2019



Chestnut-bellied Guan, Hyacinth Macaw, Greater Rhea, Bare-faced Curassow, Swallow-tailed Hummingbird, Great-rufous Woodcreeper, Red-billed Scythebill, Gray-crested Cacholote, White-lored Spinetail, Chotoy Spinetail, Large-billed Antwren, Mato Grosso Antbird, White-naped Xenopsaris, Helmeted Manakin, Fiery-capped Manakin, Band-tailed Manakin, Curl-crested Jay, Black-throated Saltator, Scarlet-headed Blackbird and much more.

Top Reasons to Book Tour


Jaguar, Giant Otter, Black Howler Monkey, Tufted Capuchin, Silvery Marmoset, Giant Anteater, Crab-eating Fox, South American Coati, Brazilian Tapir.

Habitats and

Special Sites

Biggest wetland of the World, Chapada dos Guimaraes, swampy forest, natural grasslands, marshes, Cerrado, gallery forest & woodland, lakes and rivers.

Other Attractions

Wonderful food, driving down the Transpantaneira, Anacondas, Brazilian Cowboy life style.

2019 Schedule


Birding Brazil's Pantanal with ASGD: Birds and Wildlife (including Jaguar) with Lelis Navarrete: September 16-24

Contact in the USA: Charles:

Forms and payments should be mailed to:

Charles Thornton-Kolbe (in Denver, Colorado)

Toll-Free(from USA or Canada): 


Telephone: 720-320-1974


2443 South University

Suit 199

Denver, CO 80210


Partnership For International Birding


PO Box 219

Olyphant, PA 18447

Contact in the UK: Jennifer De Souza:

Jennifer De Souza (in Suffolk, England) 

Telephone: +44 7500 185 058

                     +44 7881 685 779


The Roost, Leiston Road



Suffolk IP17 3NS


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