Uganda: Premier Birding Guide Biographical Sketch

Johnnie Kamugisha:
Johnnie Kamugisha has been a bird guide in Uganda for nearly twenty years, and he is recognized by many as the top birding guide in Uganda.
In the mid-1990s, Johnnie finished his education in Uganda and in the United Kingdom, where he studied journalism, tourism, and business management.
He started his professional career as a tour guide for wildlife tour companies, spending time showing clients the variety of east African wildlife found in Uganda, including Mountain Gorillas. While working as a wildlife guide, Johnnie wanted to satisfy his own curiosity and that of his clients about all living things. So began learning more about birds, plants and insects.
During this time in the 1990s, he fell in love with bird-watching.
Over the last fifteen years, he has been leading a full schedule of tours for birders coming to Uganda.
Johnnie was one of the founders of the Uganda Bird Guides Club. This organization has grown to be the source of talent to train national park and other guides throughout Uganda. You will quickly learn Johnnie is well known by nearly every guide in Uganda. Johnnie relies upon this network to get the latest information on bird finding. You will find this networks’ sharing of information will help your group find tough-to-find species, like the Green-breasted Pitta.
Recognized by many as one of the top birding guides in Africa by many of our clients, we are sure you will appreciate Johnnie’s bird finding expertise (and unique ability to call birds in).
One of our trip clients (one of the top world listers) had been exploring Uganda birding possibilities for several years and has spoken to many birders to learn about the best birding spots and the best local guides. Johnnie was highly recommended by everyone who birded with him.
Besides our clients, others have commented on Johnnie’s excellence as a bird guide. Johnnie was featured in Birder's World Magazine as one of two top guides in Uganda essential to a birder’s visit to this east African nation. A recent on-line article by the Cornell Lab of Ornithology also featured a tour, where Johnnie was the bird guide. In this latter article, he was described as having a “tireless attention to detail, a sense of humor that lightened each day”.
Not only does Johnnie know the bird calls he hears, he can call back to the birds without the use of recordings. You will be astounded by Johnnie’s ability to replicate bird calls using his vocal and other sound-making abilities
Johnnie demonstrates his expertise with birds and nature throughout the trip, and you will be very satisfied with his ability to lead tours and meet customer needs. Two of our business partners have birded with Johnnie as well as numerous clients, and we believe his hospitality and trip leadership will make your trip enjoyable, safe and comfortable.
More details on Uganda trips: