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Southeast Arizona Hummingbirds and More Spectacular Birding

Trip Description

Brief Itinerary

When many birders think of Arizona, they think hummingbirds! Ten to twelve species are seen on most trips, and we make sure you visit all the feeding stations where these birds are being seen. Among others, you can expect to see Rivoli’s Hummingbird (recently split from Magnificent), Blue-throated Mountain-gem, Lucifer Hummingbird, Costa's Hummingbird, Broad-billed Hummingbird and Violet-crowned Hummingbird.


Of course, Arizona birding is not just about hummers: There are at least twenty species that are more easily found here than anywhere else in the United States, plus several more that share this distinction only with southern Texas. We’ll do our best to show you Elegant Trogon, Arizona Woodpecker, Buff-breasted Flycatcher, Thick-billed Kingbird, Mexican Chickadee, Olive Warbler, Red-faced Warbler, Rufous-winged Sparrow, Yellow-eyed Junco and many more. For birders, this area of the country is a must-visit place.


Our southeastern Arizona trips cover the best locations around Tucson, Madera Canyon, Patagonia, the canyons near Sierra Vista, and the Chiricahua Mountains. You should expect to see nearly 200 species of birds.

Day 1:  Arrival flights and birding in Tucson.

Day 2: AM Birding Tucson Area and Lake Wilcox; then Birding Chiricahua Mountains Rest of Day.

Day 3: Full Day Birding around Portal and Nearby Sites.

Day 4:  Morning Birding near Portal; then Birding to the Canyons of Sierra Vista.

Days 5 & 6:  Two Full Days Birding Canyons, Mountains and Plains around Sierra Vista: Carr Canyon, Miller Canyon, Beatty’s Feeders, San Pedro Reserve and More.

Day 7: Final Morning in Sierra Vista and Most of Day Birding in Patagonia.

Day 8:  AM Quest for Five-striped Sparrow in California Gulch; Afternoon Birding in Madera Canyon.


Day 9: Full Day Birding in Madera Canyon.


Day 10: Final Morning in Madera Canyon Area; Afternoon Flights Home.


Detailed Itinerary

Find below our Southeast Arizona Hummingbirds and More Detailed Itinerary or download it.

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Southeast Arizona

Detailed Itinerary

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