Northeast Brazil Birding
Trip Description
Brief Itinerary
The far northeast region of Brazil is carpeted with a low, xerophitic, and seasonal thorny woodland and scrub known as Caatinga Forest. This peculiar habitat is unique to Brazil and is one of the most endangered habitats in South America. The Caatinga is home to an endemic avifauna which will be our goal during this trip. Among the star species of the Caatinga region, we have to mention the magnificent Lear´s (Indigo) Macaw, with only an estimated population of 400 individuals in the wild. The long drives we will be enduring during this trip will reward us with many other specialties, including Cactus Parakeet, Pygmy Nightjar, Spotted Piculet, Great Xenops, Caatinga Cachalote, Red-shouldered Spinetail, Caatinga Antwren, White-browed Antpitta, Willis’s Antbird and Ash-throated Casiornis, just to mention a few.
Immersed in the vast Caatinga are isolated remnants of Atlantic Forest that are home to a set of little-known species. Worth mentioning are the Long-tailed Woodnymph, Pinto’s Spinetail, Alagoas Foliage-gleaner, Orange-bellied Antwren, the very local Buff-breasted Tody-Tyrant and the spectacular Seven-colored Tanager.
Day 1: Arrival in Sao Paulo.
Day 2: Mid-morning arriving to Maceió and then transfer to Uniao dos Palmares.
Day 3: Full day birding the Murici Forest.
Day 4: Full day birding the Murici Forest.
Day 5: Morning birding Uniao dos Palmares, afternoon
drive to Tamandaré.
Day 6: Full day birding Reserva do Saltinho and Trapiche.
Day 7: Early morning birding Reserva do Saltinho and Trapiche, late morning transfer to Recife, flight to Fortaleza and transfer to Serra do Baturité.
Day 8: Morning birding Serra do Baturité and midmorning transfer to the Serra do Araripe.
Day 9: Full day birding Serra do Araripe.
Day 10: Early morning birding Serra do Araripe, afternoon birding transfer to Canudos.
Day 11: Early morning birding Canudos Reserve and late morning drive to Estancia.
Day 12: Morning birding Fringe-backed Fire-eye Reserve, afternoon drive to Salvador.
Day 13: Morning transfer to Salvador airport to catch our flights back home.
Serra Bonita Extension
Extension Day 1: Morning flight to Ilheus and transfer to Camacan and Serra Bonita Reserve.
Extension Day 2: Full day birding Serra Bonita Reserve.
Extension Day 3: Morning birding Serra Bonita Reserve, afternoon birding transfer to Porto Seguro.
Extension Day 4: Full day birding Estação Veracel.
Extension Day 5: Morning birding Estação Veracel, afternoon birding transfer to Porto Seguro airport to catch our flights back home.
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