Donate $100 to Preserve 200 Acres of Rainforest, then Save $100 Off any PIB Birding Trip
Working to Preserve Millions of Acres of Rainforest and Wildlife
The Partnership for International Birding works with the Rainforest Trust (primarily for our USA clients) and the World Land Trust (primarily for our UK clients) in saving at least one acre for each of our client bookings. Truly, we budget $100 for each booking. We have saved well over 100,000 acres since this project began. We have gotten some real bargains, saving acres for a little as 12.5 cents per acre. We have also paid for some acres at nearly $400 per acre.
Last month, the Sierra del Divisor project, which was the project we put most of our support behind, became a national park in Peru. In January, we hope to do a full report on all the projects we have supported, and these projects cover South America, Central America, Africa and Asia.
If you are looking for a last minute charitable donation at the end of the year, please consider giving to the World Land Trust or the Rainforest Trust.
If you give to the Rainforest Trust or the World Land Trust, we will give you a matching discount on any of our bird-watching and nature tours. If you give up to £60 to the World Land Trust, we will give £60 off any of our tours. If you give up to $100 to the Rainforest Trust, we will match that as well. This is our thank you gift to you. We essentially provide at least ten hours of support (and often much more) on each of our bookings, and we donate some of this time to offset our price reduction to you.
Currently (as of December 22 in 2015), the Rainforest Trust has five projects where you can conserve acres at less than $7.00 (US Dollars) per acre. Many of these donations are matched by their long-time supporters until the end of the year. So give now. You could donate $100 and save between 30 and 340 acres.
The best way to make your donation now, is to go to the Rainforest Trust webpage at https://www.rainforesttrust.org/
Click on the orange “Donate” box in the upper right hand corner of the page.
Complete the appropriate information on the donation page. You can choose which project you wish your donation to help by selecting from the “Fund” drop-down box.
So that we (at the Partnership for International Birding) will know you made the donation, just go to the drop-down box titled “What brought you to our donation page today?” From this drop-down box, please select “Partnership for International Birding.”
If for some reason this does not work well, just send us an email at charles@pibird.com, and we will sort this out.

Here is the list of the five lowest cost projects available now (as of December 22 in 2015):
New Safe Haven for Matschie’s Tree Kangaroo
Huon Peninsula, Papua New Guinea
$1.25 / acre 1:1 match = with match: $0.63/acre
Saving the Maleo in Sulawesi
North Sulawesi, Indonesia
$4.16 / acre 3:1 match = with match: $1.04/acre
Protecting Côte d’Ivoire’s Primates
Côte d'Ivoire, West Africa
$3.12 / acre 3:1 match = with match: $0.78/acre
New Hope for Congolese Wildlife (nearly 100% funded!!)
Lomami basin, Dem. Rep. of Congo
$0.58 / acre 1:1 match = with match: $0.29/acre
Saving Sumatra’s Rarest Wildlife
Central Sumatra, Indonesia
$6.83 / acre 1:1 match = with match: $3.41/acre