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Birding Mexico in Colima and Jalisco

Trip Description

Our eleven-day tour covers the highlights of this enchanted and rich area of West Mexico. We can expect a phenomenal variety of remarkable birds with dozens of different hummingbirds, wrens, tanagers, warbler species and many more. 


The tour starts in the beautiful Pacific coast of Manzanillo, in the state of Colima where our quest for coastal lowland specialties begins. From there we head up north to the cool montane forests where we will enjoy searching for birds like Red Warbler, Colima Warbler, Green-striped Brushfinch and more. We will also explore the Colima volcanic complex which is the most prominent volcanic center of the western Mexican volcanic belt. It consists of two volcanoes: Nevado de Colima and Colima Volcano also known as Fuego Volcano. 

Brief Itinerary

Day 1: Arrival into Manzanillo International Airport, and Afternoon Birding at nearby Lagoon and Coastal Birding

Day 2: Birding Full Day at the Chamela Biological Preserve Area

Day 3: Sunrise Birding near San Patricio Malaque; Morning Birding at Laguna del Rosario; Afternoon Birding in Ahuacapan Area; and Finish Drive to Autlán

Day 4: Full Day Birding Las Joyas Research Station

Day 5: Morning Birding near Autlán and then Morning Transfer to Ciudad Guzmán; Afternoon Birding in the Foothills of Nevado de Colima 

Day 6: Full day Birding Colima Volcano National Park

Day 7: Transfer to Colima and Birding the West Slope of Colima Volcano National Park

Day 8: Full Day Birding Colima Volcano National Park (various habitats and sites)

Day 9: AM Birding in Colima and PM Transfer and Birding in Manzanillo

Day 10: Full Day Birding Manzanillo Area

Day 11: Departure from Manzanillo airport

More details about this Trip:

Detailed Itinerary

Contact in the USA: Charles:

Forms and payments should be mailed to:

Charles Thornton-Kolbe (in Denver, Colorado)

Toll-Free(from USA or Canada): 


Telephone: 720-320-1974


2443 South University

Suit 199

Denver, CO 80210


Partnership For International Birding


PO Box 219

Olyphant, PA 18447

Contact in the UK: Jennifer De Souza:

Jennifer De Souza (in Suffolk, England) 

Telephone: +44 7500 185 058

                     +44 7881 685 779


The Roost, Leiston Road



Suffolk IP17 3NS


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