Shiripuno Amazon Lodge Extension
Shiripuno Amazon Lodge is located within the remote Yasuni Biosphere Reserve and is surrounded by miles of unbroken pristine tropical Ecuadorian Amazon Rainforest, providing an extraordinary set of opportunities for Birdwatching one of the world's biodiversity hotspots.
The Yasuni Biosphere Reserve is arguably the most biologically diverse spot on earth. The park is at the center of a small zone where amphibian, bird, mammal, and vascular plant diversity all reach their maximum levels in the western hemisphere. Additionally, the park breaks records for local-scale (less than 100 km² ) tree, amphibian, and bat species, and is one of the richest spots in the world for birds and mammals at local numbers as well.
More details about this trip:
Yasuni also is home to at least 596 bird species which comprises one-third of the total native bird species for the Amazon.
The park holds a record number of 150 amphibian species for places with comparable landscapes. It also is at the top for amphibian diversity compared to other sites sampled in the western Amazon. The total of its amphibian species exceeds that of the United States and Canada combined. Reptile species in the park is also very high with 121 documented species found. Despite covering less than 0.15% of the Amazon Basin, Yasuni is home to approximately one-third of amphibian and reptile species. The park wet areas hold high levels of fish diversity with 382 known species.
Pricing: $TBA US Dollars, or £TBA GBP for 7 Days and 6 Nights. Extensions available.
Group Size: Most tours viable at 6 to 8 participants (priced at 6 participants).
Upcoming Dates:
Here there are wonderful river boat excursions, along with a nice system of trails throughout several different micro-habitats. We will navigate the Shiripuno River along viewing toucans, macaws, and hike in pristine forest with experienced nature guides, and learn from the Waorani People about their home.
These trips are planned to focus on birdwatching. With our excellent guides we can expect to see over 250 species on this 7 day trip.
Mammal highlights will include: Brown-throated Three-toed Sloth, Marañon White-fronted Capuchin, Large-headed Capuchin, Humboldt’s Squirrel Monkey, Spix’s night Monkey, Red-crowned Titi Monkey, Napo Saki Monkey, Linnaeus’s Red Howler Monkey, White-bellied Spider Monkey, Poeppig’s Woolly Monkey, Red-tailed Squirrel, Northern and Southern Red Squirrels; Amazon Dwarf Squirrel, Sac-wined Bats, Greater Bulldog Bat, Capybara or perhaps a rare larger mammal like a Brazilian Tapir
Salvin’s Curassow, Nocturnal Curassow, Black banded Owl, Great Potoo, Rufous Potoo, Gray-winged Trumpeter, Spotted Puffbird, Fiery Topaz, Pearly Antshrike, Yasuni Antwren, Rio Suno Antwren, Hairy-crested Antbird, Lunulated Antbird, White-plumed Antbird, Yellow- browed Antbird, Banded Antbird, Wing-banded Antbird, Ash-throated Gnateater, Black-necked Red Cotinga and Cinnamon Neopipo.
Habitats and
Special Sites
Oxbow Lake, Forest Swamps, Moriches Swamps, Terra Firme Forest, Vazea Forest, Shiripuno River. Pristine Amazonian Lowland Rain Forest.
Other Attractions
Small exclusive lodge, clear unpolluted water, extremely high biodiversity, Remote location, far from oil activities. No other tourist facilities for miles, No Speed boats and barges. Within this pristine forest there are over 30 km of well-maintained and managed trails. The indigenous Waorani people still keep most of their traditions such as: hunting with blowguns and poisoned darts, and their unique language Wao Terero.
Client Reports
So many colorful birds! Amazing trip that went to some beautiful and interesting places.
Shiripuno Amazon Lodge Extension with TBA